Dēmos · Classical Athenian Democracy · a Stoa Publication
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→ Summary.
The tribal heroes as a group: history.
The tribal heroes as a group: mythology.
The individual heroes: Aigeus.
The individual heroes: Akamas.
The individual heroes: Antiochos.
The individual heroes: Erechtheus.
The individual heroes: Hippothoon.
The individual heroes: Kekrops.
The individual heroes: Oineus.
The individual heroes: Pandion.
Images of the heroes: sculpture.
Images of the heroes: paintings.
Amy C. Smith, edition of January 18 2003
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The Cleisthenic reforms of
Plot on a Map
As usual in ancient Athenian affairs, politics and religion came hand in hand and, after due consultation with Apollo’s oracle at Delphi, each new tribe was assigned to a particular hero after whom the tribe was named; the ten tribal heroes are thus known as the eponymous (or name giving) heroes.
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