Dēmos · Classical Athenian Democracy · a Stoa Publication

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Translator’s Introduction.

§ 1 (Dem. 1).

§ 2 (Dem. 2).

§ 3 (Dem. 3).

→ § 4 (Dem. 4).

§ 5 (Dem. 5).

§ 6 (Dem. 6).

§ 7 (Dem. 7).

§ 8 (Dem. 8).

§ 9 (Dem. 9).

§ 10 (Dem. 10).

§ 11 (Dem. 11).

§ 12 (Dem. 13).

§ 13 (Dem. 14).

§ 14 (Dem. 15).

§ 15 (Dem. 16).

§ 16 (Dem. 17).

§ 17 (Dem. 18).

§ 18 (Dem. 19).

§ 19 (Dem. 20).

§ 20 (Dem. 21).

§ 21 (Dem. 23).

§ 22 (Dem. 22).

§ 23 (Dem. 24).

§ 24 (Dem. 25 & 26).

§ 25 (Dem. 59).

§ 26 (Dem. 58).

§ 27 (Dem. 57).

§ 28 (Dem. 27).

§ 29 (Dem. 28).

§ 30 (Dem. 29).

§ 31 (Dem. 30).

§ 32 (Dem. 31).

§ 33 (Dem. 54).

§ 34 (Dem. 39).

§ 35 (Dem. 40).

§ 36 (Dem. 36).

§ 37 (Dem. 45).

§ 38 (Dem. 46).

§ 39 (Dem. 32).

§ 40 (Dem. 37).

§ 41 (Dem. 38).

§ 42 (Dem. 35).

§ 43 (Dem. 34).

§ 44 (Dem. 33).

§ 45 (Dem. 55).

§ 46 (Dem. 52).

§ 47 (Dem. 51).

§ 48 (Dem. 50).

§ 49 (Dem. 49).

§ 50 (Dem. 53).

§ 51 (Dem. 42).

§ 52 (Dem. 41).

§ 53 (Dem. 48).

§ 54 (Dem. 56).

§ 55 (Dem. 47).

§ 56 (Dem. 43).

§ 57 (Dem. 44).

Index of Citations

General Index

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Libanius, Hypotheses to the Orations of Demosthenes 

Craig Gibson, trans., edition of April 30, 2003

page 5 of 58

· § 4 (Dem. 4) ·

Plot on a Map

(1) Bearing up badly in the war against Philip, the Athenians convened in an assembly, disheartened. (2) The orator tries to put a stop to their disheartened state, saying that it is not at all surprising that they were defeated while being so lax, and he explains how the best policies might be applied to the war. (3) He urges them to equip two forces: a larger one consisting of citizens, which will remain at home and stand ready for emergencies, and a smaller one consisting of foreign mercenaries, but <with citizens also> mixed in. (4) He urges that <this second> force not remain at Athens and not render assistance using the city as its base; rather, it should go to Macedonia and there make war incessantly, so that Philip—as he waits for the etesian winds to blow or even a winter storm, when it would be impossible to sail from Athens to Macedon—might not attack and win due to the absence of all the Athenians, but so that the force marshalled against him might always be nearby.

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