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The Laws of Drakon.

The Laws of Solon.

Pericles’ Law on Citizenship.

Women and Citizenship.

Metics and Slaves.

Women the Oikos.

Contraception, and Abortion.

Women and Property.

Other Careers.

Recommended Readings.

Index of Citations

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Women and Family in Athenian Law 

K. Kapparis, edition of March 22, 2003

Index locorum (sorted by citation)

Primary Sources
( * = link to author’s description; ** = link to work’s description)
Aesch. 1.183 (in text as: Aesch. 1.183 ff.) * **
·    The Laws of Solon
Aeschin. 1.19-20 (in text as: Aeschin. 1.19-20) * **
·    Other Careers
Andoc. 1.117-124 (in text as: Andoc. 1.117-124) *
·    Women and Property
Aristoph. Wasps (in text as: Aristophanes Wasps) *
·    Women the Oikos
Aristot. Pol. 1253b (in text as: Aristot. Pol. 1253b) *
·    The Laws of Drakon
Aristot. Pol. 1278a (in text as: Aristot. Pol. 1278a) *
·    Pericles’ Law on Citizenship
Aristot. Pol. 1335b 19-26 (in text as: Aristot. Pol. 1335b 19-26) *
·    Contraception, and Abortion
Athen. 13 (in text as: Athenaios, book 13)
·    Other Careers
Dem. 23.53 (in text as: Dem. 23.53) *
·    The Laws of Drakon
Dem. 40 (in text as: Dem. 40) * **
·    Women and Property
Dem. 41 (in text as: Dem. 41) * **
·    Contraception, and Abortion
Dem. 57 (in text as: Demosthenes 57, “Against Euboulides.”) *
·    Summary
·    Women and Citizenship
Dem. 57.33-45 (in text as: Dem. 57.33-45) *
·    Other Careers
Dem. 59 (in text as: “Against Neaira”) *
·    Summary
·    Women and Citizenship
Dem. 59.16 (in text as: Dem. 59.16) *
·    Pericles’ Law on Citizenship
Dem. 59.18-40 (in text as: Dem. 59.18-40) *
·    Other Careers
Dem. 59.52 (in text as: Dem. 59.52) *
·    Women and Citizenship
Dem. 59.67 (in text as: Dem. 59.67) *
·    The Laws of Solon
Hippocratic Corpus, Diseases of Women (in text as: “Diseases of Women”)
·    Contraception, and Abortion
Hippocratic Corpus 13 = 4,490 Littré (in text as: 13 = 4,490 Littré)
·    Contraception, and Abortion
Isaeus 3 (in text as: Isaios 3) *
·    Women and Citizenship
Lys. Fr 10 Thalheim (in text as: Lys. Fr 10 Thalheim) *
·    Contraception, and Abortion
Plat. Rep. 460a-461c (in text as: Plat. Rep. 460a-461c)
·    Contraception, and Abortion
Plu. Sol. 20 (in text as: Plu. Sol. 20 ff.) *
·    The Laws of Solon
Xen. Ways (in text as: Oeconomicus)
·    Metics and Slaves
Xen. Ways 7-10 (in text as: Xen. Oec. 7-10)
·    Women the Oikos
·    Women and Property

Secondary Sources
Dean-Jones, L.A., Women’s Bodies in Classical Greek Science, August 1996..
·    Recommended Readings
Dillon, M., Girls and Women in Classical Greek Religion, London 2001..
·    Recommended Readings
Hunter, V.J., Policing Athens: Social Control in Attic Lawsuits, Princeton 1994..
·    Recommended Readings
Just, R., Women in Athenian Law and Life, London 1989..
·    Recommended Readings
Kapparis, K., Abortion in the Ancient World, London 2002..
·    Recommended Readings
Kapparis, K., “When were the Athenian adultery laws introduced?,” RIDA, 42 (1995) 97-122..
·    Recommended Readings
King, H., Hippocrates’ Woman: Reading the Female Body in Ancient Greece, London 1998..
·    Recommended Readings
Lacey, W.K., The Family in Classical Greece, London 1968..
·    Recommended Readings
McClure, L.K., ed., Sexuality and gender in the classical world: readings and sources, Oxford, 2002..
·    Recommended Readings
Ogden, D., Greek Bastardy in the Classical and Hellenistic Periods, Oxford 1996..
·    Recommended Readings
Osborne, M.J., Naturalization in Athens, (4 volumes), Brussels 1981-3..
·    Recommended Readings
Patterson, C., Pericles Citizenship Law of 451-50 BC , Salem, NH, 1981..
·    Recommended Readings
Patterson, C., The Family in Greek History, Cambridge, Mass. 1998..
·    Recommended Readings
Patterson, C. “Not worth the rearing: the causes of infant exposure in ancient Greece” TAPhA 115 (1983) 103-23..
·    Recommended Readings
Pomeroy, S.B., Families in Classical and Hellenistic Greece, Oxford 1997..
·    Recommended Readings
Pomeroy, S.B., Xenophon Oeconomicus, Oxford 1994..
·    Recommended Readings
Rubinstein, L., Adoption in IV. century Athens, Copenhagen 1993..
·    Recommended Readings
Schaps, D.M., Economic Rights of Women in Ancient Greece, Edinburgh 1979..
·    Recommended Readings

Index locorum (sorted by section)


Dem. 59 (in text as: “Against Neaira”) ; Dem. 57 (in text as: Demosthenes 57, “Against Euboulides.”) ; Dem. 59 (in text as: number 59) .   (top)

The Laws of Drakon

Aristot. Pol. 1253b (in text as: Aristot. Pol. 1253b) ; Dem. 23.53 (in text as: Dem. 23.53) .   (top)

The Laws of Solon

Aesch. 1.183 (in text as: Aesch. 1.183 ff.) ; Dem. 59.67 (in text as: Dem. 59.67) ; Plu. Sol. 20 (in text as: Plu. Sol. 20 ff.) .   (top)

Pericles’ Law on Citizenship

Aristot. Pol. 1278a (in text as: Aristot. Pol. 1278a) ; Dem. 59.16 (in text as: Dem. 59.16) .   (top)

Women and Citizenship

Dem. 57 (in text as: Dem. 57) ; Dem. 59 (in text as: Dem. 59) ; Dem. 59.52 (in text as: Dem. 59.52) ; Isaeus 3 (in text as: Isaios 3) .   (top)

Metics and Slaves

Xen. Ways (in text as: Oeconomicus) .   (top)

Women the Oikos

Aristoph. Wasps (in text as: Aristophanes Wasps) ; Xen. Ways 7-10 (in text as: Xen. Oec. 7-10) .   (top)

Contraception, and Abortion

Hippocratic Corpus 13 = 4,490 Littré (in text as: 13 = 4,490 Littré) ; Aristot. Pol. 1335b 19-26 (in text as: Aristot. Pol. 1335b 19-26) ; Dem. 41 (in text as: Dem. 41) ; Hippocratic Corpus, Diseases of Women (in text as: “Diseases of Women”) ; Lys. Fr 10 Thalheim (in text as: Lys. Fr 10 Thalheim) ; Plat. Rep. 460a-461c (in text as: Plat. Rep. 460a-461c) .   (top)

Women and Property

Andoc. 1.117-124 (in text as: Andoc. 1.117-124) ; Dem. 40 (in text as: Dem. 40) ; Xen. Ways 7-10 (in text as: Xen. Oec. 7-10) .   (top)

Other Careers

Aeschin. 1.19-20 (in text as: Aeschin. 1.19-20) ; Athen. 13 (in text as: Athenaios, book 13) ; Dem. 57.33-45 (in text as: Dem. 57.33-45) ; Dem. 59.18-40 (in text as: Dem. 59.18-40) .   (top)

Recommended Readings

Secondary Sources: Dean-Jones, L.A., Women’s Bodies in Classical Greek Science, August 1996.; Dillon, M., Girls and Women in Classical Greek Religion, London 2001.; Hunter, V.J., Policing Athens: Social Control in Attic Lawsuits, Princeton 1994.; Just, R., Women in Athenian Law and Life, London 1989.; Kapparis, K., Abortion in the Ancient World, London 2002.; Kapparis, K., “When were the Athenian adultery laws introduced?,” RIDA, 42 (1995) 97-122.; King, H., Hippocrates’ Woman: Reading the Female Body in Ancient Greece, London 1998.; Lacey, W.K., The Family in Classical Greece, London 1968.; McClure, L.K., ed., Sexuality and gender in the classical world: readings and sources, Oxford, 2002.; Ogden, D., Greek Bastardy in the Classical and Hellenistic Periods, Oxford 1996.; Osborne, M.J., Naturalization in Athens, (4 volumes), Brussels 1981-3.; Patterson, C., Pericles Citizenship Law of 451-50 BC , Salem, NH, 1981.; Patterson, C., The Family in Greek History, Cambridge, Mass. 1998.; Patterson, C. “Not worth the rearing: the causes of infant exposure in ancient Greece” TAPhA 115 (1983) 103-23.; Pomeroy, S.B., Families in Classical and Hellenistic Greece, Oxford 1997.; Pomeroy, S.B., Xenophon Oeconomicus, Oxford 1994.; Rubinstein, L., Adoption in IV. century Athens, Copenhagen 1993.; Schaps, D.M., Economic Rights of Women in Ancient Greece, Edinburgh 1979..   (top)