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Headword: *)ayh/fiston
Adler number: alpha,4728
Translated headword: not-voted-for
Vetting Status: high
"He who controls what is not-voted-for in an inquiry completes the entire indictment."
Greek Original:
*)ayh/fiston: o( kate/xwn to\ a)yh/fiston e)n gnw/sei e)pitelei= pa=san th\n grafh/n.
See web address 1 below for the LSJ entry on this word. It gives two instances: (i) from Aristophanes, Wasps 752, where an apsephistos is a juror who has not yet cast his vote, and (ii) from the Sententiae of Secundus (C2 CE), where poverty which is figuratively speaking not-voted-for is unwelcome. The present quotation (repeated at psi 83) seems more akin to i than to ii, but the object is impersonal, and the overall import obscure.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: constitution; definition; law; politics
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 5 June 2001@23:46:10.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; augmented and modified note) on 14 June 2001@07:02:57.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaking) on 10 May 2012@03:58:12.
Catharine Roth (upgraded link) on 9 January 2016@15:47:37.

Headword: *salou/stios
Adler number: sigma,64
Translated headword: Sallustius, Salustius; Salutius
Vetting Status: high
Commander of [the] praetorians; [it was he] who put forward Valentinian as emperor.[1] And he, having become emperor, appointed a successor to him[2] and set up public notices, [to the effect] that, if a person had received an injustice from him, he [sc. the victim] should appear before the emperor. But no one appeared; for Sallustius was the purest of men. When the praepositus[3] Rhodanus[4] had wronged a certain widow called Veronica, and she appeared before the emperor, this Valentinian gave the case to Sallustius as judge. He condemned the praepositus; and when the latter had expressed his contempt, he condemned the praepositus to the fire in the cavalry [camp], and gave all the property of the chief eunuch to the widow; and, in fear, [people] abstained from every injustice.
Greek Original:
*salou/stios, e)/parxos praitwri/wn: o(\s proeba/leto basile/a *balentiniano/n. o( de\ basileu/sas diede/cato au)to\n kai\ e)/qhke proqe/mata, i(/na, ei)/ ti/s ti h)di/khtai par' au)tou=, prose/lqh| tw=| basilei=. ou)dei\s de\ prosh=lqen: h)=n ga\r a(gno/tatos o( *salou/stios. ou(=tos de\ o( *balentiniano\s to\n praipo/siton *(rodano/n, a)dikh/santa *beroni/khn tina\ xh/ran, h(=s proselqou/shs tw=| basilei=, e)/dwke dikasth\n *salou/stion. o( de\ katedi/kase to\n praipo/siton, kai\ tou/tou katafronh/santos, to\n praipo/siton e)n tw=| i(ppikw=| puri\ paradi/dwsi kai\ th\n kth=sin pa=san tou= a)rxieunou/xou th=| xh/ra| di/dwsi: kai\ fobhqe/ntes pa/shs a)diki/as a)pe/sxonto.
For this man see already pi 1326 and especially sigma 63 (latter part), where he is presented as 'a commander of the palace under [the emperor] Julian'. Banchich (1988: 224) suggests that he must be Julian's praetorian prefect Saturninius Secundus Salutius (sic), mentioned by Eunapius of Sardis in this Suda passage (= Eunapius, Fragmenta Historica 1.231.13-25 Dindorf) -– and in his extant Life of the Sophists 479 (52.20, 53.9-10, ed. Giangrande). When Julian died, the army offered the succession to Salustius (Fowden 1997: 547). Salustius (or Salutius -- see Banchich 1988: 224, n.6) was Julian’s close friend and adviser; he wrote a treatise On the gods and the world, where he defended, inter alia, the thesis of the ingenerability, eternity (2.1), and incorporeality (2.2) of god. He also argued for the immortality of the soul (8.3).
If the 'Sallustius' of these Suda passages (and elsewhere) is not Saturninus Secundus Salutius, an alternative theory identifies him with the Flavius Sallustius was was praetorian prefect of Gaul 361-363.
[1] Valentinian I (omicron 762); he served under Julian, amongst others, before becoming emperor himself.
[2] This unusual use of the verb diade/xomai is noted in LSJ s.v.
[3] That is 'a person placed over', a common title given to many officers in the later Roman Empire. In the Suda cf. under epsilon 3604 (= theta 145 = pi 793 = upsilon 169).
[4] 'Chrysaphius' in pi 2441, q.v.
T.M. Banchich, 'Eunapius, Eustathius, and the Suda', American Journal of Philology 109 (1988) 223-225
G. Fowden, 'Polytheist Religion and Philosophy', in The Cambridge Ancient History vol. 13, London-New York, Cambridge University Press, 1997, 538-556
Keywords: biography; ethics; gender and sexuality; historiography; history; law; military affairs; politics; women; zoology
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 15 July 2009@13:42:40.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modifications to tr; augmented notes; another keyword; internal rearrangement; tweaks and cosmetics) on 17 July 2009@06:52:07.
Catharine Roth (corrected cross-reference) on 3 June 2013@01:06:45.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 19 December 2013@09:53:31.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 17 September 2014@01:15:18.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 23 January 2022@22:39:36.

Headword: *sekou=ndos
Adler number: sigma,189
Translated headword: Secundus
Vetting Status: high
of Athens. Sophist. He was surnamed Plinius, and nicknamed 'Peg' [*epi/ouros], because he was the son of a carpenter. He was the instructor of Herodes the sophist.[1] He wrote rhetorical declamations.
Greek Original:
*sekou=ndos, *)aqhnai=os, sofisth/s: o(\s e)xrhma/tise *plh/nios. e)pwnoma/zeto de\ kai\ *)epi/ouros, w(s ui(o\s te/ktonos. kaqhghth\s de\ ge/gone kai\ *(hrw/dou tou= sofistou=. e)/graye mele/tas r(htorika/s.
RE Secundus (16); Philostratus Lives of the Sophists 1.26.
[1] eta 545: Herodes.
Keywords: biography; daily life; geography; rhetoric; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 8 September 2003@17:14:53.
Vetted by:
William Hutton (cosmetics, added keywords, set status) on 8 September 2003@17:20:48.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 21 November 2005@06:48:56.
David Whitehead on 22 December 2013@09:19:40.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 11 December 2014@01:27:04.


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